Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A fast dress for a wedding

Last Saturday we attended the wedding of a close friend and colleague. This event deserved a new DIY dress. I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare so I needed a simple pattern from a trustful source. The new Burda issue (September, 2014) came right on time with a few dresses to choose from. Burda knows its job – the patterns are accurate and well-explained. When you have only a couple of evenings after work to the last thing you want is pattern alternation. I’ve sewn a lot from Burda, so I knew my size and things that could eventually come up.

Бърза рокля за сватба

В събота бяхме на сватба на близка приятелка и колежка. На такава сватба не се ходи как да е и трябваше да се подготвя подобаващо. Нямах много време, но задължително исках да си ушия рокля. След кратки размисли горе-долу определих какво искам. За щастие и септемврийският брой на Burda дойде като по поръчка – имаше няколко рокли,  които щяха да ми паснат идеално. Шила съм доста по кройките на Burda и си знаех какво да очаквам като размери. Едно трябва да им се признае на издателите – немското качество е във всяка кройка, всеки милиметър е важен и кройките съвпадат идеално. Когато имаш само 2-3 вечери след работа, нямаш много време да преправяш кройки допълнително.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Knitted cushions

It's autumn already. Days get shorter and shorter, tea becomes my favourite drink, after the coffee of course, and my knitting needles call my name. This time I craved something fast and effective, therefore I went for cushions.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Лесна жилетка в лилаво / An Easy Cardigan in Violet

Есента е тук! Време е за топли дрехи, чай и тиква под всякакви форми. Аз лично я предпочитам печена, но при всички случаи на тиква не отказвам. С идването на есента плетенето започва да ме влече все повече и повече.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Albania – Part 3 – Elbasan

Our Albanian trip started in Durres. Then we slept two nights in a row camping after walking 20-30 km daily. The best part was that it's raining a good part of the day. That's why we were looking forward to our next stop in Elbasan where we'd spend (finally) two nights in a hotel.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Albania – Part 2 – From Peqin to Elbasan

In 2009 some friends and I joined an interesting group of people who intended to walk along the ancient Roman road Via Egnatia. More about the beginning of the trip in my previous post.

Our first stop was Peqin – a small city on the Southeast of Durres. We would camp inside of the old city walls. There was a big celebration with food and dances. So far so good. The only bottom point was that the terrain inside the city walls was lower than outside. It rained like hell that night. Half of the tents were literarily under water. Not a good start of a camping journey but a very good indicator what was expecting us in the future.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Albania - Part 1 - Durres

A couple of years ago, actually in 2009, some friends and I joined an interesting group of people. Their main goal was to rediscover and walk along the ancient Roman road Via Egnatia. Centuries ago the road was one of the main roads in Europe – it connected Durres (then Dyrrachium) in Albania and Istanbul (then Byzantium) in Turkey. The road crosses Albania, Macedonia and parts of Northern Greece and Turkey. More about this adventure you can read on the page of the Via Egnatia Foundation  which arranged and ran the trail. 

The whole journey was scheduled for about two months but we joined just for a week for the Albanian part. It was in early May. At that point I had absolutely no idea what Albania could offer. For me it was a country about which I knew nothing, although it was very close to Bulgaria. I only knew we need to get maximum one bag of clothes, a sleeping mat, tent, and some other camping stuff and to meet others in Durres, Albania where the adventure would start. 

Therefore, we crossed Macedonia, left our car in Struga and took the bus for Durres. We got there in the early morning. The city was still sleeping and we could enjoy its waking up.

Monday, September 8, 2014

The blue linen dress

Do you love wearing dresses? I certainly do! I love them all – knee or calf length or even maxi dresses. These pictures were from my 35th birthday. My husband and I went to visit a place near Sofia on a day trip. Because it was my birthday and a very beautiful Sunday altogether, I had to wear something special. I just had to wear this dress. It'd certainly call for high heels but you don't want to climb in high heels, right?  

Friday, September 5, 2014

THE Project - Part 6 - How to sew your own invitations - details

Have you ever wanted to do your own wedding invitations and was not sure how to do that? If yes, this blog post might be able to help you.

In my previous post I showed you the whole idea about our wedding invitations. Here, I’d put some more details about how I made them.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

THE Project - Part 6 - Invitations design

It is close to mind that you have to plan your wedding style and theme pretty early in the planning process. However, in our case we had so many other urgent things to do that this was left in the back of my mind. I knew we'd be somewhere in the nature and that is all about it. Thus, I didn't have a clue what our invitations would look like. I made sure I had contacted everybody on the phone, though, and told them "Listen, we are getting married. Not sure where or how but we are working on this. News to come soon." At this stage I was with no idea what to do.

Then one day I realised that I have absolutely no time left and I should do something if I want to have any invitations at all. I did some search on the web and finally found the inspiration I was lacking.
While I was working on the outer part, a friend of mine was designing the inside. I had several ideas of what I'd like to have. They included a drawing of the area where the church ceremony and the venue would be.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Как да си направим бутониери за сватба сами – полски цветя

Един чудесен вариант за бутониери са такива от полски цветя. Тези са ми любимите. 

Преценете обаче дали съвпадат по стил и визия за вашата сватба. Ако правите изискана сватба в ресторант, те едва ли са подходящи. Ако обаче планирате сватба тип градинско парти, това е идеален вариант. Най-хубава част е, че ви трябват само час-два за събиране на цветята и билките и няма да ви струва нищо.

Как да си направим бутониери за сватба сами - Рози

Ако искате да си направите сами бутониерите за гостите, но не знаете как, четете нататък. Ще ви покажа как сами да си ги направите за нула време и почти без пари.